Tiered Licensure

Tiered Licensure Model in Minnesota

This webpage describes the requirements, development routes, and other policy considerations for Minnesota's tiered licensure system. The model ranges from a one-year provisional license (Tier 1) to a five-year comprehensive license (Tier 4).

Georgia's Four Tiered Licensure System

The four-tiered licensure system creates opportunity for provisional licensure for preservice teachers as they complete their field experience and professional advancement for in-service teachers as they gain experience and leadership skills.

New Mexico's Three Tiered Licensure Performance Evaluation Handbook

New Mexico’s tiered licensure system provides teachers in the state with opportunity for career advancement across three licensure tiers, based on in-service experience and demonstration of specific competencies.

Wisconsin's Tiered Licensure Structure

This program aims to retain teachers by creating opportunities for career advancement through a four-stage tiered licensure model, ranging from a 1-year provisional license to a lifetime master educator license.

Tiered Licensure: Connecting Educator Effectiveness Policies

This brief provides an overview of current tiered licensure policies across the United States.

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