Case Studies + Examples

Leadership Matters: Investing in Sustained School-Systems Leadership

This Chiefs for Change report examines the need for strong, diverse school-system leaders to commit to student-focused change that also reflects the demographics of the students they serve. The report highlights leadership efforts in Louisiana, Colorado, and Tennessee and calls for additional systems to recruit and retain well-prepared, diverse leaders through stronger career pathways, development programs, and on-the job support and coaching.

The Network Effect: Harnessing the Power of Teacher Leadership Networks to Sustain Progress in Tennessee

This Chiefs for Change brief highlights the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE)’s efforts to engage teachers as leaders, often through roles such as instructional, curriculum, or content area coaches. Relative to teacher leadership, this brief delves into the state’s vision and theory of change, roles and responsibilities for states and districts, and the process for scaling, assessing, and improving the teacher leadership efforts. 

It’s More Than Money: Teacher Incentive Fund-Leadership for Educators’ Advanced Performance Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools partnered with the Community Training and Assistance Center beginning in 2007 to seek, obtain, and implement a Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) grant from the U.S. Department of Education that would allow for a multiyear performance-based compensation initiative. This report is an evaluation of this effort, based on five years of observations, interviews, and analyses. The analysis reveals the success of the program, but also highlights that performance-based compensation cannot rely on the promise of monetary incentives alone.

Teacher Incentive Fund 2012 Grantee Applications With a Focus on STEM

The Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) was established by the U.S. Department of Education in 2006 and was designed to support performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems in high-need schools, funded mostly by grants. To apply and qualify for one of these grants, the applicants must design a system in high-need schools with differentiated levels of compensation for teacher and students based upon metrics such as student achievement gains. This webpage provides a list of successful TIF grantees with links to their applications.

Case Studies and Evaluation Reports of Pay-for-Performance Programs

Vanderbilt University’s National Center on Performance Initiatives provides studies that evaluate how pay-for-performance initiatives impact the quality of schools and districts. This resource is a scholarly assessment of education initiatives that use pay for performance, including randomized field trials of teacher-specific and schoolwide bonuses across the country.

Catalyst for Change: Pay for Performance in Denver Final Report

The Community Training and Assistance Center conducted a comprehensive study of the impact of Denver Public School’s four-year Pay for Performance pilot. Teachers at the pilot schools developed two annual student learning objectives (SLOs) and received additional compensation if they met their objectives. This study examined Denver’s SLOs including their substance, quality, and relationship to student achievement. 
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