Personality Assessments

The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Job Performance

This research attempted to determine the relationship between personality dimensions and job performance using the NEO-Personality Inventory. It found that three personality dimensions—emotional stability, openness to experience, and agreeableness—explained 28 percent of the variance in participants’ management performance.

NEO Personality Inventory-3

This Web resource from Sigma Assessment Systems introduces the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-3), a common and concise personality assessment tool. Understanding an applicant’s personality can help determine which team members would complement a school’s leadership team. This type of assessment is most appropriate when hiring from a pool of candidates within a school. Online administration takes approximately 45 minutes.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

This Web resource introduces the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), one of the most common personality assessment tools. The report from this assessment can help an organization determine who may show leadership behaviors and which personalities would form a positive working environment. This type of assessment is most appropriate when hiring from a pool of candidates within a school. Online administration takes approximately 20 minutes. 
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