Strategies to Consider

Leverage Educator Preparation Program Screening and Recruitment Partnerships

Develop candidate screening and recruitment practices, and leverage state and district partnerships to increase the likelihood that candidates will be successful in high-need schools and will be drawn to teach in them. 

Leverage a Variety of Communication Channels to Highlight Effects of Distribution Issues

In written and oral communication through strategic venues and by high-profile leaders, highlight the effects of inequitable access to great teachers and leaders on educational outcomes.

Establish Online Networks

Create a shared online workspace to house equity material and other information relevant to your workgroup. 

Host Webinar to Raise Awareness

Host a webinar to raise awareness about equitable access to great teachers and leaders in your region or state, and distribute related information to participants. 

Celebrate Successful State and District Partnerships

Recruit media influencers to help celebrate the successful state and district partnerships that increase the effectiveness of candidates in high-need schools and to improve recruitment by drawing candidates to teach in them. 

Engage With the Media

Reach out to the media to encourage journalists, bloggers, and reporters to engage with equity data and accurately report on related issues.

Leverage Communication Channels

Leverage support through effective communication and collaboration with stakeholders for successful completion of the plan. 

Hold Annual Stakeholder Meetings to Review Equitable Access Issues

With program faculty and staff, share and discuss annually collected data on the placement, retention, and performance of the program’s graduates, especially those graduates placed in high-need schools. If equitable access problems are evident from the review, determine the sources of high attrition and poor performance. 

Integrate Equitable Access

Integrate a focus on equitable access to great teachers and leaders, emphasizing the root causes, and potential solutions into your educator preparation program curriculum. 


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