Improving School Leader Preparation: Collaborative Models for Measuring Effectiveness

Improving School Leader PreparationQuestion from the field: How are states supporting principal preparation programs in measuring and using program results to build a strong principal pipeline?

In this Ask the Team brief, learn how states currently measure school leader preparation program effectiveness, and explore new collaborative models for continuous program improvement.

State efforts to create models for leadership accountability face numerous methodological challenges. To inform collaborative efforts among a variety of policymakers and stakeholders, we reviewed information on principal preparation accountability models, examined existing reports on pilot approaches in states, and identified existing partnerships that are tackling this challenging work. In the sections that follow, we offer information on the following:

  • State of the state: What measures do most states say they collect, and how do they use the data?
  • Testing the waters: What new accountability models are states piloting?
  • Charting your course: What are some strategies for establishing a collaborative model?