English Language Learners

Rethinking English Learner Data: Illinois’ Plans Under the Every Student Succeeds Act

This New America report explores Illinois’ approach to serving students who are English Language Learners (EL), looking at strengths and challenges related to these EL student outcomes and how the state approaches these challenges in their Every Student Succeeds Act ESSA plans using a New America framework.

To Attract Great Teachers School Districts Must Improve Their Human Capital Systems

This report by the Center for American Progress (CAP) summarizes the findings of a 108-school district survey focused on human capital systems. CAP compares recruitment, selection, evaluation, and retention systems and practices used in school districts to those used in other sectors, including banking, retail, technology, and consulting. Additionally, CAP examines district practices for recruiting and supporting diverse candidates.

Different Skills? Identifying Differentially Effective Teachers of English Language Learners

This report presents an analysis of teacher characteristics and learning experiences and describes how they can affect English language learner (ELL) student outcomes in mathematics. Teachers with prior experience teaching ELL students and teachers who pursued specific training in ELL instructional strategies achieved positive gains with their ELL mathematics students when compared with non-ELL students. Teachers with years of generic teaching experience did not achieve similar gains.

Who Believes in Me? The Effect of Student-Teacher Demographic Match on Teacher Expectations

This working paper presents findings from an investigation on the impact of demographic matches or mismatches  on teacher expectations for students in high schools. Findings indicate that non-black teachers of black students have lower expectations for their students than their black counterparts, particularly for male students and in math, providing additional support for the hiring of a more diverse and representative teaching force.

Recruiting Teachers for Schools Serving English Language Learners

As the number of English language learners (ELLs) continues to grow in a more diverse range of districts, education leaders will have to develop creative and comprehensive recruitment strategies to ensure that all ELLs in the district can be served by highly qualified teachers. This Key Issue includes strategies and resources that can help.
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