Supporting Student Well-Being

Building Trust and Well-Being Through Trauma-Informed Communities: Leader Self-Assessment and Planning Tool

School leaders face unique challenges and opportunities as they work to reopen schools and create school communities that address the intersection between adversity, well-being, and academic success. This handout offers a self-assessment for school leaders that includes an array of trauma-informed strategies for fostering trust, wellbeing, and resilience for all in the learning environment during these unprecedented times.

Educator Self-Assessment & Planning Tool for Supporting Student Resilience and Well-Being with Trauma-Informed Care

This webinar handout includes an educator self-assessment for supporting student well-being that includes an array of trauma-informed strategies for fostering student well-being and resilience during these unprecedented times.

What About Your Students? Supporting Student Well-Being and Resilience with Trauma-Informed Care

This second webinar in a new series offers educators concrete strategies for supporting their students’ well-being during distance learning during COVID-19 by using trauma-informed self-care and resilience-building strategies.  

New: Resources for Remote Learning:

This web page includes a list of resources to address the unique challenges and opportunities of learning at home for our youngest students. It includes links to curriculum resources, learning tips, and home wellness.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for School Communities

This web page includes resources and free webinars supporting leaders, educators, students, and families.

CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019: Stress and Coping

This web page provides explanations and resources to help people anticipate, prepare for, and manage fear, anxiety, and extraordinary stress.

COVID-19 Well-Being Toolkit and Resources

This web page includes resources, tips, and guided meditations for supporting well-being for educators, students, and parents.

Building Positive Conditions for Learning at Home: Strategies and Resources for Families and Caregivers

This blog provides tips for families on how to create a safe, supportive, and engaging spaces for learning at home during COVID-19 school closures.

How can educators and families support students’ mental health and social emotional needs?

This FAQ includes resources for educators focused on supporting students’ mental health and social and emotional needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leading Trauma-Sensitive Schools

This training package offers school and district administrators a framework for adopting a trauma-sensitive approach school- or districtwide. It includes resources for educating school staff about trauma and trauma-sensitive practices as well as a step-by-step process for implementing a universal, trauma-informed approach. 


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