Selection Tool

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What is the Shortage Strategy Selection Tool (Beta Version*)?

This interactive tool helps state and district teams identify and select educator talent management strategies to address special education teacher shortages. Users can explore potential strategies that target the root causes of shortages at specific points along the educator career continuum. The tool also includes four additional resources to support strategy implementation (see Strategy Implementation Supports on the right).

*Beta Version: this tool is still undergoing testing and further development. We welcome your thoughts. Please email us at with your feedback or ideas. 


How to Use the Shortage Strategy Selection Tool

The tool is organized around three goals:

  • Attract: recruit top talent into the profession, through a range of pathways and by raising the status of the profession.
  • Prepare: ensure standards, coursework, clinical experiences, and certification better prepare teachers to provide instruction to students who need the most support.
  • Retain: design professional learning, supports, career advancement options, and teaching and learning conditions to increase teacher retention rates and keep both new and experienced teachers in the classroom.

Click on the goals and strategies below to start exploring. As you make selections, the tool will provide you with a list of briefs, modules, program exemplars, reports, and tools to assist in learning more about each strategy. 

Effective Personnel for ALL: Attract, Prepare, Retain

The Shortage Strategy Selection Tool is structured to align with the goals and strategies outlined in Effective Personnel for ALL: Attract, Prepare, Retain, a talent management framework developed by the Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education. 

Educator shortages toolkit graphic

Strategy Implementation Supports

The Strategy Selection Tool includes four additional resources to support strategy implementation: