
Getting Back to School: Collaborative Strategies for Reopening K-12 Public Schools in a Fiscal Crisis

During this webinar, Randi Weingarten, the President of the American Federation of Teachers and Dan Domenech, Executive Director of the America Association of School Administrators share how collaborative problem solving within and among school districts will be essential to finding operational solutions that can balance safety, equity of access for all children, and budgetary constraints, while addressing the needs of working parents.

Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities During COVID-19

Remote learning requires adjustment for all students, but students with disabilities face additional challenges during the COVID-19 quarantine. In this episode of AIR Informs, Allison Gandhi describes some of these obstacles, as well as strategies to help students, schools, and families make the most of this time.

A Plan to Safely Reopen America's Schools and Communities

This plan from the American Federation of Teachers is based on five pillars and includes guidance handling emergent cases of COVID-19, entry process/screening, protections for staff and schools, and how to reorganize schools to promote social distancing. 

Grab and Go Instructional Materials

This website provides a repository of instructional materials and tools for online learning. It includes instructional materials for students in grades K–9 for ELA, math, and science.

What About You? Strategies for Supporting Educator Resilience and Trauma-Informed Self-Care

This first webinar in a new series explores how educators can better prepare themselves to face the challenges of COVID-19 by using trauma-informed self-care and resilience-building strategies.

Educator Self-Assessment & Planning Tool for Supporting Student Resilience and Well-Being with Trauma-Informed Care

This webinar handout includes an educator self-assessment for supporting student well-being that includes an array of trauma-informed strategies for fostering student well-being and resilience during these unprecedented times.

What About Your Students? Supporting Student Well-Being and Resilience with Trauma-Informed Care

This second webinar in a new series offers educators concrete strategies for supporting their students’ well-being during distance learning during COVID-19 by using trauma-informed self-care and resilience-building strategies.  

Educator Resilience and Trauma-Informed Self-Care: Self-Assessment and Planning Tool

This tool includes a self-care self-assessment with key strategies for fostering resilience and a self-care planning tool to assist educators in identifying areas of strength and growth related to self-care and developing self-care plans.

Educator Context and Stress Spectrum

This tool was designed to support teachers and principals in gaining a greater awareness of how their current personal and professional context affects their levels of stress in the time of COVID-1 and, ideally, can lead to beneficial self-care strategies. Explore the Interactive Version.

Coronavirus: ELL and Multilingual Resources for Schools

This web page includes links to infographics, FAQs, fact sheets, videos, and district updates in multiple languages.


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