District Leader

Empower Teacher Leaders

Empower teacher leaders to collaborate on curriculum and data and to provide constructive feedback to peers. 

Provide Professional Benefits for Teachers in High-Needs Schools

Provide nonmonetary incentives (e.g., reduced class size, teacher aides, increased autonomy, career ladders) for teachers who work in high-need schools. 

Build Capacity of Principals and Coaches to Connect Evaluation to Professional Learning

Build the capacity of principals and coaches in high-need schools to use evaluation frameworks and results to provide actionable feedback and tailor professional learning for individual teachers. Help them leverage educator evaluation results to identify targeted, job-embedded professional development. 

Establish Cross-District Principal Mentor Networks

Establish cross-district principal mentor networks to build the capacity of principal-mentors to give actionable feedback and helpful support. 

Consider Part-Time Teaching or Job-Sharing

Make part-time teaching or sharing a teacher across several schools an option when FTE positions are not available in some subject areas.

Identify Vacancies Early Through Incentives to Accelerate Hiring

More effectively compete with other districts for talent by accelerating hiring timelines. One way to do this is to identify vacancies early by providing a monetary incentive for early notification of resignation or retirement, and a monetary penalty for late notice. 

Provide Incentives for Teacher Transfers Into High-Need Schools

Support innovative incentives for effective teachers to transfer to disadvantaged, low-performing schools. 

Deny Transfers of Ineffective Teachers

Deny transfers of ineffective teachers to other schools or classrooms, especially lower-tracked classrooms or underperforming schools.


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