Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

Rhode Island—Using Baseline Data and Information to Set Student Learning Objective (SLO) Targets

The Rhode Island Department of Education developed this webinar on using baseline data to set SLO targets. This webinar aims to help participants understand the purpose of baseline data, be able to identify several sources of baseline data, and understand how baseline data can be used to set targets.

Rhode Island—Assessment Toolkit

This webinar by the Rhode Island Department of Education introduces resources in the Assessment Toolkit. The webinar aims to provide participants with some ideas for how to use the toolkit’s resources collaboratively.

Rhode Island—Deepening Assessment Literacy

This webinar by the Rhode Island Department of Education focuses on deepening assessment literacy. The webinar aims to help participants develop a shared understanding of the various types and purposes of educational assessment and identify best practices for local assessment development.

Rhode Island—Writing an Objective Statement

This webinar from the Rhode Island Department of Education is focused on the process for writing an objective statement. Participants will learn the four-step process: examining your standards and curriculum, determine the priority of content, write an objective statement, and check the scope or grain size. 

Rhode Island—Understanding Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)

Participants of this webinar from the Rhode Island Department of Education will understand how SLOs are an integral part of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Participants also will learn the key steps to take in order to implement SLOs successfully.

Rhode Island—School Nurse, Grade 9

This sample from the Rhode Island Department of Education is a student learning objective for a school nurse working with ninth-grade students.

Rhode Island—Library Media, Grades 10–11

This sample from the Rhode Island Department of Education is a student learning objective for library media for Grades 10 and 11.

Rhode Island—Reading Specialist, Grades 7–8

This sample SLO from the Rhode Island Department of Education is a student learning objective for reading specialists working with Grades 7–8.

Rhode Island—Library, Grade 6

This sample SLO by the Rhode Island Department of Education for library specialists is focused on sixth grade students.

Rhode Island—Speech Language Pathologist, Grades K–1

This sample from the Rhode Island Department of Education is a student learning objective for speech and language pathologists working with Grades K–1.


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