Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

New Jersey – Assessment Blueprint Completion Guide

This tool from the State of New Jersey Department of Education is intended to help teachers plan, develop, and check high-quality assessments to use in student growth goals.

New Jersey – 2014–15 Student Growth Objective Form

The State of New Jersey Department of Education created this form to help teachers develop their Student Growth Objectives. This form has space to include a teacher’s rationale for selected standards and information for student starting points. Teachers also can record midyear adjustments and reflect on the process in annual conferences.  

Kentucky – Goal Setting for Student Growth: A Collection of Content Area Scenarios

This guide from the Kentucky Department of Education provides scenarios designed to engage teachers and administrators in the discussion around the student growth goal-setting process. The guide also includes questions to be used along with the scenarios to stimulate discussion among teachers for the purpose of understanding the student growth goal-setting process. 

Kentucky – Student Growth: Developing Quality Growth Goals STEPS 3-4-5

This presentation from the Kentucky Department of Education focuses on how teachers will implement strategies and monitor student progress toward goal attainment as a recursive process throughout the school year or course. Teachers will learn how to apply guiding questions that will lead to implementation of goal setting for student growth. The questions in this presentation guide reflection on what is needed throughout the goal-setting process.

Kentucky – Sample SMART Goals for Student Growth (CTE)

The Kentucky Department of Education created a document of sample student growth objectives focused on CTE. The samples includes carpentry, employability skills, health sciences, automotive technology, agricultural education, business education, computer aided design, engineering, family and consumer science, industrial maintenance, electrical technology, marketing, welding technology, and information technology. 

Kentucky – Sample Student Growth Goals

The Kentucky Department of Education created a document of sample student growth objectives. It includes samples for science, health and physical education, French II, social studies, Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) writing, music, math, family consumer sciences, multimedia, and art.

Kentucky – Think and Plan Tool—Student Growth Goal: Guidance Video

The Kentucky Department of Education developed this short video to explain how to use its Think and Plan tool in detail. Teachers can use this comprehensive tool in the construction of student growth goals. This tool will help teachers think through the process and assist principals with ensuring that each goal meets all of the requirements. 

Kentucky – Think and Plan Guidance for Developing Student Growth Goals

The Kentucky Department of Education developed this planning tool that guides teachers through the student growth goal-setting process. This document is a summary form that teachers complete for conferencing with their administrators. It includes guidance, details, and hyperlinks for completing the process and the template.

Kentucky – Student Growth: Developing Quality Growth Goals II

The Kentucky Department of Education developed this presentation to help teachers apply guiding questions leading to the development of a quality student growth goal. This presentation discusses how teachers can apply SMART criteria to develop a quality student growth goal and use guiding questions to reflect throughout the growth goal process to inform teacher professional learning.

Kentucky – Student Growth: Developing Quality Growth Goals STEP 1

The Kentucky Department of Education developed this presentation to define and describe what teachers need to do to plan for, implement, and monitor student growth during the student growth process. The purpose of this presentation is to help teachers understand how to apply guiding questions that will lead them to develop quality student growth goals. The questions allow teachers to reflect on what is needed throughout the goal-setting process and determine appropriate sources of evidence for goal setting.


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