Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

Ohio—Algebra II, Grades 10–12

This sample from the Ohio Department of Education demonstrates a learning objective for Algebra II for students in Grades 10–12.

Ohio—Critical Thinking, Gifted and Talented

This sample from the Ohio Department of Education is a student learning objective for gifted and talented students learning critical thinking skills in Grades 3–6. 

Ohio—Research Skills, Gifted and Talented

This sample from the Ohio Department of Education is a student learning objective for gifted and talented students learning research skills in Grades 3–5.

Ohio—Reading Grade 1

This sample SLO from the Ohio Department of Education is focused on first grade reading.

Ohio—Introduction to Art, Grades 9–12

This sample SLO from the Ohio Department of Education is focused on an introduction to art in high school. 

Ohio—Calibration of Student Learning Objective (SLO) Review

This four-part webinar series from the Ohio Department of education is intended to help participants plan for and participate in SLO calibration. SLO calibration is the process of ensuring, through systematic comparison, that SLO reviews are conducted to a similar standard. Participants will learn how to effectively use the SLO checklist for reviewing SLOs, provide specific feedback to assist teachers in strengthening SLOs, and actively participate in consistent review and approval of SLOs.

Ohio—Writing Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Using Available Data

This four-part video series from the Ohio Department of Education is focused on writing SLOs. It is intended for use by teachers who have student data available to them. This module has participants learn to develop a complete SLO using their own available data.

Ohio—Writing Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Using Sample Data

This four-part video series from the Ohio Department of Education is focused on writing SLOs. This module is intended to be used by teachers who do not have data available to them. At the end of this video module, participants should be able to explain the SLO development process and develop a complete SLO. 

Ohio—Student Learning Objective (SLO) Template with Checklist Inserted

The Ohio Department of Education created a checklist embedded in a template for writing SLOs. The checklist includes indicators of a high-quality SLO for each component of Ohio’s SLOs: baseline and trend data, student population, interval of instruction, standards and content, assessments, growth targets, and rationale for growth targets.

Arizona—LEA Readiness Continuum for SLO Implementation

The Arizona Department of Education created a rubric to guide districts in determining their readiness to implement SLOs. The rubric examines the local education agency’s (LEA’s) shared vision, ability to determine students’ level of preparedness, availability of assessments, setting SLOs and monitoring progress, and site capacity. The rubric provides indicators to determine if an LEA is not yet ready, moving toward readiness, or ready to implement SLOs. 


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