Lessons Learned From Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) Implementation in Montgomery County, Maryland

The National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality (now the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders [GTL Center]) identified several lessons learned from implementation of the program. Although Montgomery County uses PAR for its evaluation system, some of the lessons learned can apply to the implementation of PAR for induction and mentoring purposes. As with other PAR program implementation efforts, the Professional Growth System (PGS)  development came from collaboration between the teacher and administrator education associations and the school district. The district introduced the system through in-person meetings, as well as provided handbooks and online resources describing the evaluation activities and a database of professional development courses. The district noted that, although it made an effort to communicate through various sources, having a strategic communication plan would have improved implementation. The district also identified lessons learned related to the use of consulting teachers. One important factor to consider is training and implementation fidelity, specifically improving the process by being explicit with rating specifications and justifications. Finally, the district also identified several lessons learned related to alignment with professional development standards; specifically that the district should evaluate professional learning activities and ensure that they continue to align with individual teacher needs, school needs, and professional standards. For more information on the PAR system, visit A User’s Guide to Peer Assistance and Review on the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Project on the Next Generation of Teachers website.   