Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

Illinois – Identifying Expected Growth Targets

During this webinar from the Illinois State Board of Education, participants will understand how to identify expected student growth targets as part of the SLO process. 

Illinois – Selecting Assessments and Scoring Procedures

During this webinar from the Illinois State Board of Education, participants will learn how to identify appropriate assessments and the scoring procedures used to support and measure the learning goal that is the second element in the Illinois SLO process. 

Illinois – Defining a Learning Goal

This Illinois State Board of Education’s webinar helps teachers write a learning goal. Participants will identify the components of a quality learning goal, which is the first element in Illinois’ SLO process. 

Illinois – Introduction to the SLO Process

This webinar created by the Illinois State Board of Education provides an overview of SLOs. The webinar defines the SLO and discusses its benefits. Participants will identify the elements included in the SLO template and the steps of the SLO cycle.

Illinois – SLO Template

This template from the Illinois State Board of Education helps districts and teachers create SLOs. It includes important guiding questions and statements for both teachers and evaluators to reflect on throughout the SLO process. 

Illinois – Guidebook on the Student Learning Objective Process

The Illinois State Board of Education created this guidebook to describe the SLO process and provide resources for incorporating SLOs into a comprehensive performance evaluation plan. It provides an overview of implementation and outlines the SLO process. 

Connecticut – Student and Educator Support Specialists Guidance Document: School Nurses

This guidance document from the Connecticut State Department of Education includes what school nurses should specify in SLOs. The guide includes three sample SLOs.

Connecticut – Student and Educator Support Specialists Guidance Document: Speech/Language Pathologists

This guidance document from the Connecticut State Department of Education includes what speech pathologists should specify in SLOs. The guide includes five sample SLOs.

Connecticut – Student and Educator Support Specialists Guidance Document: School Social Workers

This guidance document from the Connecticut State Department of Education covers what school social workers should specify in SLOs and includes three sample SLOs.


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