Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

Connecticut – English Language Arts (Writing), Grade 4

This is a sample SLO from the Connecticut State Department of Education for fourth graders in English language arts (writing).

Connecticut – Social Studies, Grade 2

This is a sample SLO from the Connecticut State Department of Education for second graders in social studies.

Connecticut – English Language Arts (Reading), Grade 2

The Connecticut State Department of Education developed this sample SLO for second graders in English language arts (reading).

Connecticut – English Language Arts, Grade 1

The Connecticut State Department of Education developed this sample SLO for first graders in English language arts.

Connecticut – Music, Grades K–2

The Connecticut State Department of Education developed this sample SLO for K–2 students in music from kindergarten to second grade.

Colorado – Measures of Student Learning in Teacher Evaluation

This Colorado Department of Education guidebook highlights possible approaches for districts to consider when developing their approaches to selecting measures of student learning in educator evaluation. One approach outlined in the guidebook is the use of SLOs.

Georgia – SLO Attainment Rubric

This scoring rubric from the Georgia Department of Education illustrates the percentage of students who demonstrate expected or high growth for each rating level in the state’s evaluation system. 

Georgia – SLO Approval Checklist

This Georgia Department of Education checklist for approving SLOs is for local education agencies when reviewing SLOs prior to submission for audit and approval. The checklist outlines key features that should be considered in SLOs.

Georgia – Teacher Student Learning Objective Statement

This Georgia Department of Education form provides teachers with a tool to align classroom instructional strategies to the SLO developed by a local education agency for every SLO course in a school system. It includes space that includes the classroom baseline data, instructional strategies for attaining SLOs, and specific dates for monitoring. 

Georgia – LEA Student Learning Objective Statement

This Georgia Department of Education form provides teachers and leaders with an overview of the local education agency-developed SLO for every SLO course in a school system. It includes space to write the course numbers, grades, team members who developed the assessment and their roles, the SLO statement, and the growth target.


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