Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

Georgia – Student Learning Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

This Georgia Department of Education document answers common questions, such as how students are assigned to teachers for an SLO in a coteaching situation and how to know if SLO assessments are rigorous.

Georgia – Guidance for Selecting Commercially Developed Assessments for Use with Student Learning Objectives

This guidance document from the Georgia Department of Education includes questions to help determine whether commercially developed assessments are appropriate for SLOs.

Georgia – Unique Circumstances and Non-Traditional Settings

The Georgia Department of Education created guidance for setting SLOs in unique circumstances or nontraditional settings. Some of the guidance includes business rules covering the percentage of time students must be enrolled in order to be included in the SLO, as well as the number of students required to create an SLO.

Georgia – SLO Operations Manual

This manual from the Georgia Department of Education discusses essential SLO components, SMART criteria, and assessment development. It also addresses implementation expectations, including assessment expectations, data analysis, and the SLO attainment rubric.

Arizona – Student Learning Objective Templates

The Arizona Department of Education created templates to assist teachers in writing their SLOs. These templates include one per step in the SLO cycle. One template also includes an assessment approval checklist, which provides guiding questions to ensure that assessments are aligned and rigorous and have enough stretch. 

Arizona – Teacher Evaluation: Implications for Special Educators Leading Change 2014

This Arizona Department of Education presentation highlights national trends, shares concerns from the field, and discusses the use of SLOs as one measure of growth.

Arizona – Student Learning Objectives, Part 2: A Deeper Dive

This Arizona Department of Education presentation provides a deeper examination of the SLO cycle. The presentation examines the five steps within the cycle: determining students’ level of preparedness, choosing quality assessments, setting achievement and growth, monitoring and adjusting instruction, and establishing summative score. 

Arizona – Student Learning Objectives, Part 1: An Overview

This Arizona Department of Education presentation provides an overview of SLOs. Participants will gain knowledge about using SLOs within a teacher’s evaluation and how to determine next steps in implementing the SLO process.

West Virginia – Music, Grades 11 and 12

This is a sample student learning goal from the West Virginia Department of Education focused on 11th- and 12th-grade music. 

West Virginia – Social Studies, Grade 10

This is a sample student learning goal from the West Virginia Department of Education focused on 10th-grade social studies.


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