Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

Washington, D.C. – Student Learning Objectives Introduction

The Washington, D.C., Office of the State Superintendent of Education created this presentation to introduce SLOs. This presentation explains where SLOs come from, what SLOs are, and why to use SLOs. Participants will learn the definition of SLOs and identify the benefits of engaging in the SLO process systemwide.

Washington, D.C. – Student Learning Objectives: Setting Targets

The Washington, D.C., Office of the State Superintendent of Education developed this presentation to explain the role of target setting as part of the SLO process. This presentation provides examples of different approaches to target setting, along with the pros and cons of each.

Washington, D.C. – SLO Quality Rubric

The Washington, D.C., Office of the State Superintendent of Education created a tool to guide the review of SLO components that will lay the groundwork for the successful teacher implementation of SLOs. Evaluators can use this tool to review the quality of the SLO components and give the teacher substantive feedback. 

Washington, D.C. – Student Learning Objectives Guidebook

The Washington, D.C., Office of the State Superintendent of Education developed a guidebook that provides an in-depth look at the overall SLO process. The guidebook provides a policy context of SLOs, breaks down the components of an SLO, and outlines the SLO process.

Washington, D.C. – School-Level Self-Assessment for SLO Implementation Readiness

The Washington, D.C., Office of the State Superintendent of Education created a tool designed to help teachers and instructional leaders at the beginning of the SLO process understand what is needed for high-quality SLO implementation. It can be used to determine opportunities and needs related to a school’s planning for and implementation of the SLO process.

Washington, D.C. – Identifying Essential Learning and Developing Objective Statements Worksheet

The Washington, D.C., Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) created this worksheet to help teachers think through the process for identifying essential learning and developing objective statements. This process is driven by the following key question: What is the most important knowledge and/or skills my students should attain by the end of the interval of instruction?

Washington, D.C. – Guidance on Evaluating SLOs/Attainment Scoring Table

This tool from the Washington, D.C., Office of the State Superintendent of Education assists school leaders or principals in scoring teachers’ progress toward meeting SLOs at the end of the school year.

Washington, D.C. – Conference Planning Tools

These planning resources from the Washington, D.C., Office of the State Superintendent of Education provide a detailed outline of the SLO evaluation process. They are designed for use by the evaluator during the three annual evaluation conferences of the SLO process.

Washington, D.C. – School-Level Baseline Data Worksheet

This worksheet from the Washington, D.C., Office of the State Superintendent of Education supports school leaders and teachers as they identify the most appropriate academic and behavioral data points to use when developing SLO targets. This worksheet is intended to be used by school leaders but it can also be used by teachers to help them think through accessible data. 

Washington, D.C. – Student Learning Objectives: Assessment Guidance for LEAs

This presentation from the Washington, D.C., Office of the State Superintendent of Education offers guidance on assessments to local education agency (LEA) decision makers. It provides four policy options for assessments and the pros and cons of each approach. Also discussed are the potential challenges for nontested grades and subjects. In addition, the presentation includes key questions or issues to consider when making decisions about assessments.


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