Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

Missouri – Student Learning Objectives Handbook

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education created a guidebook for teachers on student learning objectives (SLOs). It explains what an SLO is, its importance, and the challenges of implementing SLOs. The guidebook provides guidance on the SLO process for teachers and districts, and how it fits into the overall evaluation system. The appendix also includes a template for writing and checklists for approving an SLO.

Minnesota – Student Learning Goals Handbook

The Minnesota Department of Education created a guidebook for teachers on student learning goals. It provides guidance on how to write a student learning goal and an overview of the student learning goal process. This handbook includes templates for completing the goal as well.

Pennsylvania - Student Learning Objectives for Teachers

The Pennsylvania Department of Education created a user’s guide to guide teachers and evaluators in the development of student learning objectives. The guide provides an overview of the three phases of the process: design, build, and review. Each phase includes training, tools, and resources.

Pennsylvania – Student Learning Objective Process Template

The Pennsylvania Department of Education created a template for teachers to write their student learning objectives. The template includes space for teachers to write the context, goal, measures, indicators, and final rating.

Pennsylvania – Student Performance Measures for Classroom Teachers Frequently Asked Questions

The Pennsylvania Department of Education developed a frequently asked questions document on student growth measures. It includes several questions focused on student learning objectives (SLOs), such as how to write an SLO for five or fewer students and other business rules pertaining to SLOs. 

Massachusetts – S.M.A.R.T. Goals

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education created a workshop to provide teachers with information and resources to identify their student learning and professional practice goals. This presentation guides teachers through their own goal-setting process and demonstrates the link between S.M.A.R.T. goals and the creation of an educator plan. This workshop also includes participant handouts.

Massachusetts – S.M.A.R.T. Goals and Educator Plan Development

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education created a professional learning module for evaluators on how to develop S.M.A.R.T. goals so that goals are needs-driven, specific, and action-oriented. This module includes slides, handouts, and a facilitator’s guide

Massachusetts – Protocol: Developing a S.M.A.R.T. Goal Statement

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education created this template to assist teachers in writing their student learning goal statements. The template includes a sample student learning goal for a high school guidance counselor. 

Massachusetts – A Protocol for Developing S.M.A.R.T. Goal Statements

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education created this presentation to help educators understand the role of goal setting in the evaluation cycle. At the end of this presentation, participants will understand the developmental process for S.M.A.R.T. goals and develop two S.M.A.R.T. goals specific to their role.


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