
States are in the process of making policy and practice decisions relative to the use of student growth in performance evaluations. Because of an array of technical issues, states may be tempted...

Explore the impact of preparation programs on educator evaluation and discuss how evaluation can influence preparation programs. 

Learn how to leverage Title II, Part A funds to use educator evaluation results to support high quality professional growth plans in this presentation.

In her presentation "Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness: Where do we go from here," Dr. Laura Goe provides a comprehensive look at the various measures and models to evaluate teacher effectiveness.
This presentation by Dr. Laura Goe provides guidance on how to construct teacher evaluations as an additional tool for professional development to improve teaching and learning and includes a special...
In this presentation, Dr. Laura Goe provides questions to consider about multiple measures and teacher evaluation models and provides examples used by districts and states.
This webinar explores the challenges of measuring student learning growth in non-tested subjects and grades and provides factors to consider when developing such measures.
A (Very) Brief Overview of Trends in Teacher Evaluations, succinctly describes the developments in teacher evaluations such as multiple measures and models.
This presentation supplies questions to consider when asking about student growth measures and provides examples utilized by districts and states.
Providing currently used examples of teacher and leader evaluation systems, Dr. Laura Goe presents the challenges of validity, weights and measures, and considerations in setting cut scores.
